“We are…

PENN STATE!” My 10 week NSF funded research is over! YAY! Actually I would really recommend doing a REU program because it pays really well and it is pretty easy (although I don’t know if any science majors looking towards a PhD, Masters, or MD are reading this). I would put my poster on Shambot but I doubt anyone is interested and it is very confusing.
Here’s a brief news update for the summer:

I just got back from Philadelphia and chilling with Morgan. Quakers in general are super nice, and Morgan parents are awesome. There was much discussion of appropriating Grinnell dollars to make titular head films and the content of those films. I think Tim Hau is a natural choice to at least star in one of them, if we can get him!

Also I am going to apply to do a one year Churchill scholarship next year. Similar to the Rhodes Scholarship except Cambridge instead of Oxford and only for math and science. I don’t think I’ll get it, with only 12 people receiving it in the country! But Grinnell sent an email to me and a few others asking us to apply. I figure I have a decent chance of getting one of the school’s two nominations, and that alone would be good for Grad School applications. Plus the opportunity to study and get paid at the best physics/math university in the world is too good to pass up. Stephen Hawking teaches and there so did: Rutherford, J.J. Thompson, and Newton! I’ll find out if I get the school’s nomination in October, but if I want a chance I feel I need to do really outstanding on the GRE’s. I take it on August 16th so these next days are going to be spent STUDYING! WAH BA DOOP BA DOOP! I leave for CR tomorrow at 7.30! arrive at 11.40 am!

Bronchitis schmonchitis

obviously it was time to bump chance down a notch, he has spent TOO LONG being the top shamboteer. Also I need to work up to 50 posts. After this one I’ll plan my big blowout post. Just yous guys wait.

I would like to take this time to proclaim myself a sworn enemy against Ben’s Dad. Ben’s Dad: I hear you are working your way to number one on the Sentence Game and I can tell you right now, that ain’t gonna fly. I may be one tiny girl without a tablet, but I will do everything in my power to reach something better than a 4.1 rating and then I’m coming for YOU. DO YOU HEAR ME BEN’S DAD!?!??!!?! This is going to be a battle more amazing than Harry vs. Voldy. I tell you I do. (p.s. vote for furny.)

This also means that I might have to invest in a tablet soon. Any suggestions on where I might purchase a fairly cheap but reasonable quality, mac compatible one? My parents got me one for christmas ages ago but I found out last summer that it doesn’t effin’ work on a mac! What kind of crap is that?!?!? I need to win the Sentence Game.

Also, I need a scanner? Technology, why must you cost money. Somebody help me find one. To make this post worthwhile, here is a picture I made once:

no no no no no no

Blerg Bllug Gred

T.O.T.T. apparently stands for “Think on These Things”. People actually use it, I guess. Isn’t that the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard? I just saw someone say it on TV.
After SES ends I always feel like I have both tons of time left and no time at all. I know that most of the Summer is over, but I’m not close enough to school starting that it feels real yet. This is also the time of year that everyone goes home to see their parents, which shortens the summer in a some way, because it means less time to see people before I leave. However, I’ll only be gone for 3 months and during that time I’ll be hanging out with all my way cool Chicago friends. Then, when 3 months are over I’ll move back to ‘apples and find a kick ass apartment. With a deck. And some where to grill.

I’m watching this show (this is the show that brought us T.O.T.T., but don’t let that spoil it for you.) called “Flipping Out” on Bravo. I thought it would be lame, but it’s actually very entertaining. The dude in the show is certifiably insane. He has FIVE psychics, a spiritual healer, and probably some other creepy-weird things that haven’t come up yet. He is also obsessive-compulsive, so it’s like “Monk”, except real. The best part is that he knows he’s crazy and he’s totally cool with it, but still takes his weird shit seriously and scolds his staff for not taking it seriously. I love it.

Bronchitis has worn out it’s welcome, but is still sleeping on my couch and eating my food. F U, bronchitis.

What If…

I was thinking the other day. What if…? No, that would be weird. But maybe it would be cool. No, no one would go for it. Stupid, STUPID!

But maybe… (more…)


So, I finally got around to getting the back of the postcard done. Thank you to Joel and Evan who assisted in the production of the back of the postcard. I think this might be before I made a few final touches, but this is pretty much how it looks:
postcard back

In other news, Ben and I have been in Iowa for the past couple days. It was nice to get away from the city for a while and get my mind off a few things. I also had the honor of watching Flight of the Conchords on HBO thanks to a wonderful thing called ‘On Demand’. However, work snuck up on me while I was away and ended up doing a few things for DGinventive, and also fixing up a t-shirt design I’ve been working on. We also were far away from the disaster that struck the bridge in Minneapolis. I didn’t find out until my brother, who is in California, called me and told me it was good to hear that I wasn’t underwater at the moment. I proceded to have a mini-freak out moment and I had to call my mom and also Joel who told me that everyone was accounted for. Thank goodness. I have had nightmares in the past about disasters such as this (my dream of the future that I’ve told a few people about), and this isn’t going to help my already paranoid lifestyle.

Well, were playing Guitar Hero, so… I’m gonna go do that.

Dinner – August 1st

Dinner – August 1st from jGillman and Vimeo.


Thats what they call it. Thief River Falls. Its even on the welcome to TRF sign and all of the local postings! I wish I could be posting amusing small-town pictures for all of you lovely shambelies out there, but alas, I am shooting with a 4×5 camera. Meaning, I have to develop and scan them first. Im sorry. But it has been sooooooooooo nice to take a vacation guys. I mean I was seriously burnt out from work. And it is just so relaxing to watch MTV all day long. My Super Sweet Sixteen, Engaged & Underage, that weird your parents choose a better date for you than your current jerk boyfriend show that is really awkward. I Love the 90s. God this is amazing… I get to laze around all day in my jammies while the boys are out bringin in the bacon, and I make cookies!!! Double batch of choco-choco- chip?!?! UH HUH! With lots of leftover cookie dough. Thief also has its very own South China Buffet which I have yet to savor. Im sure it will be all it is cracked up to be.

I swear I will be more interesting next time, I just miss Shambot so muches!!!!

PS. I will be home this weekend to usher a couple of CTC special presentation shows, and for the opening of the Fringe festival! My and Emma’s friend Sam has a show in it that HE WROTE and produced that you should all check out (ps i made his production shot there!! those are our other actor-friends!!! exciting!!). Its called “Same Difference.” You can register and add the play to your schedule so that if he’s in the top 10 he wins an award or something!?


Chimpmunk face!

Heyo! So, the wisdom teeth came out about an hour ago, the drugs haven’t worn off yet, so I am still fairly painless. Chance had a request to see evidence of my discomfort, specifically any embarrassing swollen-face photos. So, I deliver! The left side is much worse than the other. Enjoy on my behalf!

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