Guess who’s famous?

There’s a blog that I read in my real daily life, called Poppy Talk. And guess who’s featured in today’s post?!?! None other than our very own Emma Trithart, of the MCAD-ian variety. Not only is the whole post about You Work For Them and their new online zine, but they actually name work done by specific artists that they like. Cool!

From the blog \"Poppy Talk\"

Congratulations Emma!

MCAD SES Sound Kids

Sound kids projects! They made soundscapes this year. They’re very good.

These are best listened to with headphones or nice speakers.

Brendan – Outside and In

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Brendan – Cellular Clampdown

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Anne – Mind Scene

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Spare-Time Art

This is pretty much what I do when I’m at work, but I don’t have any blacks to fill or panel boarders to draw or other high-class business to conduct. I work on my own things. Today, that mostly meant doodling. I worked on my proposal too, but I’ve pretty much promised myself that when I get any idea I like, I’m gonna capture it somehow. Today they flowed out from some divine mind-spring. This first one was inspired from the lunch-time conversation, “Where’s Molly?”


molly isn't impressed by her large selection of earl greys (more…)

You’ll appreciate this. *updated with good picture

New picture added. Now you can actually see it!

If you have an iPhone. (more…)

A four-panel movie

What's Happening?
I should do this more often.

narrative snippet.

narrative snippet. from Joel Gillman on Vimeo.



Originally uploaded by furny

Soooooo I just wanted to post because I think this picture of froggy needs to be viewed by everyone.

Also, I’ll be posting real artwork soon -inlcuding my VERY FIRST PUBLISHED EDITORIAL ILLUSTRATION. (already seen by some). ALSO, if you didn’t notice, I’ve started flickring again. I kind of want to get into the whole “wardrobe remix” deal – it’s so many cute girls with cute clothings.. I want them to see me! I want to be one of them!!

I’m listening to N.E.R.D.’s “Sooner or Later” on repeat. I couldn’tve named a N.E.R.D. song to save my life, but I’ve been obsessed with this song ever since I heard it at my old place of work – and then Jake Nolette played it at SES and I ran up to him like a madwoman and demanded to know who the band was. So this one goes out to you, Mister Nolette. Rock on.


Yesterday, I was:
-called a “fucking asshole” who was being “watched by the government”,
-almost killed by the Minneapolis lightrail, and
-kicked out of a Hmong farmer’s market, or “asked to leave”, I should say.

All in a day’s work, I suppose. I was just hired yesterday to work on a project with the Spunk Design Machine. It’s a freelance job that’s going to last about a month and I’ll be working with another designer, Joe Kral. I think it’s going to be really awesome, but I’m super nervous. It’s my first real project that I’m working on, with direct contact with a client, and I feel like I’m under a lot of pressure. In addition to that, I’m going to be Art Directing a photo shoot THIS SATURDAY. I’m SO scared. I know I can do it, but I’m still absolutely terrified. Wish. Me. Luck.

The guys, and girl!, at Spunk are really awesome. Everyone there is nice and very interesting, also they are easy to talk to and SUPER TALENTED. I like being there a lot so I hope everything goes well.

Robitties ver. 1.0

I’ve copied this from my livejournal, which i’m using as my main blog now

This is the first version of a little thing I’m calling Robitties
I’ve designed it as a sort of community building exercise among designers to begin with. What I have done is composed a library of different parts of electronic gizmos into an Adobe Illustrator file. The five robots you see here (as well as my livejournal icons) have been composed using this library. If you want to be a part of the project, follow these steps:

1) Download the Library file here.(you will need Adobe Illustrator CS2 or CS3, also if it downloads as a … file, just remove the ps)

2) Play around, get a feel for all the parts and how they are constructed. I’ve left the robots I’ve created in a layer so you can see what I’ve done. If you think there should be a piece that isn’t there, make it!

3) See what kind of robot you can make and save your robot into another file. Name it, include separated out any pieces you created and maybe even include a short description of what it does.

4) Email it to me! If its too big, I can also take, jpegs or pdfs.

5) I am composing a site for all the designs and eventually, your design will be up on it. There may even be merch and contests designed around them.

Keep in mind this is a rough version and its only geared towards people who own and know how to use Adobe Illustrator. Now if you aren’t one of those people, keep waiting. Version 2.0 will be a flash app that will be more user friendly. its currently being designed by Joel Gillman and myself, but its gonna be a while and I couldn’t wait any longer!

Good Luck!

Hello there, breakfastness…

So today, the girls were supposed to come over for our newly-implemented stay-at-home brunches, but then disaster struck and everyone had to work (on a saturday!!) or do something else. SO I had all of this egg-bake/quiche and mini muffins left over ALL TO MYSELF. I thought I’d share them with you, dear shamby… Check Long-Weekend Tea Party for the recipes and more pictures!