A decision to be made…

First and foremost, the cats:

Churra Vinny

These are my kitties – left is Churra, a snooty old bitch who demands attention, but only when she wants it, she drools when she purrs, and is balding; right is Vinny, a scrappy little boy who terrorizes the neighborhood (and I mean literally, he stalks the neighbors’ indoor cat- from outside- notice the holes in his ears from fights). Daw… mah babbiees

Anyway, I have been “forced” to spend many an hour resting this past week. When you spend so much time resting that you begin to suffer from atrophy, you know you’ve had plenty of time to think about things. (seriously on the atrophy thing, I’m having trouble walking, I have reached a new personal high of laziness, and lost weight in the process – anyway, back the my point…)

Here’s what my challenged mind has been debating: purchase a Wii, or get a new tattoo. I know. Real exciting deliberations. The pro/cons:

Chimpmunk face!

Heyo! So, the wisdom teeth came out about an hour ago, the drugs haven’t worn off yet, so I am still fairly painless. Chance had a request to see evidence of my discomfort, specifically any embarrassing swollen-face photos. So, I deliver! The left side is much worse than the other. Enjoy on my behalf!

photo-8.jpg photo-7.jpg

I’ve missed you!

Hi Shambles!
I’ve missed you! I have much reading to do, and luckily, time to do it. I will sit on my parents’ couch, watching their movies and eating their food (until I can’t eat on Wednesday). In the mean time, I will read shambot, and post photos of all of my cutiee ani-mal-pies. What an exciting life!

To prove my commitment, I leave you this:


(PS – these, are NOT my cats)

I hope…

….I speak for you all when I saw that I am loving the plate fight. Just saying…
any way, this lovely message means that I am done with the internship conference meaning that I am tired but happy. And also that we have had a very consuming party this evening, meaning that although I have been home for over an hour, I am still very drunck. I am hoping that the drunk will wear off soon so that I can sleep some. I have to go back to work tomorrow. boo.

Also, I have had a very frustrating day with good old MCAD. I dislike the accounting office and their dumb procedures. I almost didn’t graduate on schedule today because of their dumb things. As if I wasn’t busey enough already today to need to deal with mone that I dont have.

ok, seriouslly angie, don’t drink and type. I will be sane soon!! for SES cometh and the drinketh don’t fly.

PS: I have adopted a new big brother, it is really quite a funny story, I should tell you all some time. In the meantime, I wont.


Girls ROCK!

So, I came to get my camera from Ali, but ended up going downtown with the girls for the Mosaic shenanigans down on Hennepin.
I found us free corn. Might I also add, that it was free corn, out of a cooler, from some random person, on the street. It was delicious. The situation was so random, it was amazing. Thank you free-corn-giving-Hispanic-folks, you rock. Witness photo (equals = cute):

Then. We went to Little Ts, listened to Iron Maiden, ate fries, milkshakes, greasy fries, and lamented the lack of Chance and SES. Soon dear friends, soon. We will eat Little Ts FOR KEEPS.
I shall disappear now for the PUSH Conference! The lovely fruits of my internship labor. If you see any changes on that website over the next three days, you will know it was ME who did it. Feel that connection! Wish me luck, and endurance. Because, if working wasn’t hard enough, we also have a party each night. mmm…


So, I totally thought that I was going to be all cool, and secretly see the message from Joel for Lindsey, but… alas, I was thwarted:

shame…. I always want to be part of secrets.

Im leaving on a jet plane…

I am on my way home (from home -pdx- to home -msp) folks!
I sit on the airport floor sending, basking in the glory of free wi-fi in an airport, what an awesome concept. I am only *slightly* sick, and am not looking forward to a flight when suffering from a sinus infection, but I will survive with sufficient drugging. I will be happy to no longer be ill. My ribs are hurting from coughing so damn much.

Friends. Summer will be awesome. The fun shall continue. We will have a great time.

**I apologize for the confusion (joel) I am home in Minneapolis.

Are you alive?

Are you alive?

It has been almost a month.  And I have concern.


Hi Finals..

I’m tired.
Is it over yet?

Status: Authenticating

I am easily frustrated with the MCAD internet for these two reasons:

failure 1

And, my all-time favorite message:

failure 2

For fucks sake.

ahh.. I will breathe now.  (and clearly, since I am posting this, the inter-web is working again)

this message is for the sole purpose of venting and is not directed at the lovely shambotians who might know why this happens, or feel compelled to think of a solution.