Update from Republic:
A couple of days ago I posted about the occupation by workers of the Republic Windows & Doors factory in Chicago. I’ve been really excited about it all week, reading everything can find, posting fliers, and talking about it to everyone. Seriously, I’m sure Ben and Bill are tired of hearing about it… Well too bad! Because on Wednesday night (sorry for the delayed post… old news is good news, right?) the union, Republic management and Bank of America finally cut a deal that is an undeniably massive win for the Republic workers, so there is officially no hope that I will ever shut up about this. Basically, the bank is going to pay for the workers’ severance and unused vacation pay AND extend their health benefits for a month or two. Huge.
Tim wrote:
Snazzy! A tale I can regurgitate to my ultra-conservative uncle! Oh, he’s just gonna hate this one!
Posted on 12-Dec-08 at 11:51 am | Permalink