so my totally awesome perfect best student at SES ever, Sarah Crowe (shell be famous eventually), showed me the most best web comic ever: perfect stars dot com

right now i am totally obsessed with what i call “the magical hidden girl world” or something like that and this website totally scratches that itch as does Sarah’s comics and the work of my just as awesome, but more shy other student, Caitlin Warner (no doubt about her either).

another lady ive been looking at,eleanor davis, has sparked my interest and ive been inclined to get in contact with her, much like my love,hope larson.
also check out the mome anthology featuring an interesting sexy story by ms. davis

more girly comic artists that i should know? post em, beetches!

Comments (4) left to “”

  1. Emma wrote:

    wah- seriously?!!?!? Eleanor Davis is one of my favoritest illustrator/comic artists of all times! I linked to her on my very first website! I check her livejournal periodically, since she posts a lot of sketches! ( First Love Hotels, now this? What’s next? I love it!

    On that note, perhaps you would like It’s really really girly and not as “grotesque” like the other links you posted, but a lot of her work is pretty funny (or sexy! There’s a lesbian one). But maybe not.

  2. Evan wrote:

    yeah, ive been aware of her site for a while. she has another that she does with her hubby. but barb brought in some of her actual books and i was like OH YEAH! i cited her for my stuff too! funny

  3. Allison wrote:

    I got nuthin. i think. although hope larson links to this page, and its pretty fun. you two should submit!

  4. Ben wrote:

    I’m surprised Sarah Crowe isn’t famous already.
