Speaking of dolls…

I was looking through my random pictures because I know Id made one of these guys before, but I didnt realize I had made like, TEN OF EM. Im exaggerating, five…. but still. A little pathetic considering theyre all of me. (Well I have a couple of Alex too, that was super-fun!) I thought Id share with all of you this website if you havent spent hours of your life at it already, and expose the long-awaited many versions of myself to the world. ta-dah.


the last one’s the most recent me.

PS I posted all of these for fun, but also because evans computer freaks out every time it has to look at joels shamby-flag. Im only helping to move along the main page. K!

Comments (3) left to “Speaking of dolls…”

  1. Ben wrote:

    The last one is just plain ridiculous. IT’S UNCANNY! You, uh, got a little bed-head on the side there, though.
    Too bad all the guy ones end up looking like girls. FROWNS.

  2. Timmy wrote:

    Yes. What Ben said about the last one you did. Ben, thanks for letting me know I’d end up lookin’ like a broad-zilla if I made one. For that reason alone, I shan’t be participating! GOOD DAY!

  3. Joel wrote:

    For some reason I thought that Emma had made this post and I was going to comment “how come they all look like Allison?”

    I agree with Ben though, last one? UNCANNY!