Post Author(s)?!

Due to popular demand (Chance and Allison), you can now have multiple authors on a post! I personally have no use for this, but apparently others do!

If you want to use this miracle of science and technology just take a look under the “Post Author(s)” section on the right side of screen. Normally only your name is there, but now there’s a button right under that which reads “+ Add author”. You can probably figure it out from there.

Other features added? Auto-save. Nothing you can really do there, but if your browser locks up or crashes while you’re making a post not all of it will be lost. Tags have also been added. I never really figured anyone would want them, but either way they are there. If you want to use them go for it (they won’t actually do anything)!

Comments (4) left to “Post Author(s)?!”

  1. Allison wrote:


  2. Steven wrote:

    Nice little addition. I think Tim and I will use this occasionally.

  3. Chance wrote:

    Alli and I need to have a meeting I think!

  4. Tim! wrote:

    Dude. Awesome. Steve and I had been talking about this for a long time. A LONG TIME. Good work champ!