oh, inverted world

This is really awful, but I decided to invert my laptop screen today (ctrl+option+apple+8) to see how my digital world would look. It’s… pretty bizarre. It’s kind of an exciting change, although I’m not sure if it’s going to affect my eyes in some sort of awful way.

I then decided, that I would see how my website artwork looks. Mostly, it’s really hokey and stupid. BUT IT LOOKS SO…. what’s the best word to use in high school terminology….


That’s the only word I can think of to describe it. I selected my favorite inverted pieces, all you have to do is hit those amazing set of keys to live the magic.

One special bonus, I found a picture of myself on a website (which will not be named). MY HAIR USED TO BE SO LONG. It was actually inverted on said website, so you’ll have to see it normally to appreciate how long my hair was. I think this was either Junior or Senior year of high school.


A bonus fact: I painted this exact inverted self portrait to put in my portfolio, to bring to National Portfolio Day, to show to MCAD. I’m 100% sure this piece is why I got accepted. It obviously proved that my level of creativity was through the rough.

Comments (4) left to “oh, inverted world”

  1. Joel wrote:

    Oh man, you are a BABY in that inverted pic. I guess we’re old now or something.

  2. Chance wrote:

    I agree with Joel! I think that’s the youngest picture of Bill I’ve ever seen!!

  3. Chance wrote:

    also, for Christmas I’m getting you a bunch of black paper and white colored pencils.

  4. Bill wrote:

    Inverted is sooooo coollll!

    Also: http://www.shambot.com/thepress/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Picture-12.png