today, i did not wear green.

well, not intentionally. i do not have some sort of political cause against st. patrick’s day. if i had, in fact, remembered that today was a celebration of…green things and the irish, i may have been inclined to don some mint colored pants (okay, first i would have to buy said pants, but you get the idea) and drink green beer. but. i did not remember. and so, i babysat. in a beautiful apartment on crosby street, which featured very high ceilings, amazing wallpaper on only one wall (how very now) and the best interior decorating/design i have seen so far in my adventures (which, as it may be very obvious by now, are merely fuel to my real-estate whore fire).
anyway. saw a very, drunk, very underage looking guy being dragged home by a few other boys, and lots of exuberantly drunk people on the subway. turns out drunk people are way more fun when you are also drunk. who knew?
my crazy night of debauchery also included finishing “the fortress of solitude,” an epic and amazing novel by one jonathon lethem, recommended to all (you should also check out adam langer’s “crossing california” and the sequel, “the washington story”–they’re kind of in the same vein). it was especially exciting to read it while in nyc and brooklyn, where the story is set. the whole thing turned very interactive: i now read the tags i see everywhere, analyze and catalogue graffiti and the authors of it, and have a mental version of 1970s brooklyn to compare with the very gentrified, cleaned up modern version. anyway. read it.
next week (er, this week?) exciting things are happening. harper’s may issue is closing, so that means a nice, slow, highly alcoholic week for myself and the other interns (not to mention most of the staff not bothering to show up for work). angie is coming on thursday. kara is coming on saturday, and staying with me for a few days. i am starting a couple of new books and attempting to slowly eat away at the very large pile in my apartment. and also, i bought these really rockin new shorts that i will wear, whether or not the weather decides to cooperate. and i will look slammin. and finally, i have apparently stopped using the letter “g” to end words. to conclude, i heart new york.

Comments (2) left to “today, i did not wear green.”

  1. Allison wrote:

    I didnt do anything for st. patrick’s day either. I also forgot to wear green. However, Alex and I were at the Barnes and Noble downtown when we realized that there was this large, drunken parade going down nicollet. We sat on the floor reading magazines, watching the cacophony go by. It was quite fun actually.

  2. Emma wrote:

    I didn’t either!!! I also forgot it was St. Patty’s day, but I thankfully picked my blue cardigan over the green one to wear to work. I probably wouldn’t have worn green if I had remembered, though, because for some reason I feel like a cheeseball doing it.

    ALSO I bought a pair of shorts two! they are brown and white checked seersucker, and they are SO CUTE. Geez, minneapolis, please warm up.